It’s hard not to hang a label on things. People want to categorize things into what they know. From curiosity to the known, followed by the boring. Others will always work to match you to their preset patterns. It’s not wrong, it is human nature. How do we deal with it? For most people they can accept it and move on. They can compartmentalize. I’m not one of those. I need a good old fashioned rehash until the ‘why of it’ settles in my mind. For those of us that live in our heads with emotions and imagination – it is not simple to explain. This website is dedicated to helping you make sense of your emotions.
So much of what we learn these days comes from absorbing the impressions of those around us. You might as well include all the bullshit we read on social media too. As we work to turn this data into an amalgam of understanding the magic is lost. There is the desire for absolute certainty. Our more logical friends will apply it rigorously. But, it’s devoid of humor. It reeks of sterility. And it normalizes sameness between every answer. Even worse if you are in the business world it is predictable. Pure logic, as I have experienced and read, will get you to the same place the competition is at. (see Alchemy by Rory Sutherland).
This website is dedicated to those who want to cultivate imagination to solve problems. It is for those who have come to realize that they need to exist outside the mainstream thought process. Many of us are familiar with dogmatic and overbearing methodologies. We understand the limitations that religion and systems of thought bring. It’s about making sense of the ridiculous demands foisted onto us by technology. It’s about letting go. I offer some unorthodox impressions as a way to help you, my reader. My hope is that you figure out how to cut your own path. You are unique and how you interpret the world is custom to you.